chaos to clarity: make better decisions in 11 easy-to-follow steps
11 steps to improve your decision making process; overcome overwhelm, make decisions, take action, and trust yourself more.
stimulate your vagus nerve with this ear massage somatic practice
try this 10-minute guided somatic practice (audio) to stimulate the vagus nerve by massaging the ears.
my favorite vagus nerve stimulator
Stimulating the vagus nerve is essential to heal stress and improve resilience. This vagus nerve stimulator is built-in!
a guided somatic practice to flow through sadness and forgiveness
Flow through a somatic experience of sadness and forgiveness.
12 tips to make your bedtime routine nervous system friendly
Bad sleep is a bad stressor to the nervous system. 12 tips to support your sleep and stress healing.
8 tips for handling stresses of everyday life with more ease
Keep these 8 tips in mind as life throws you stressors.
7 home health swaps to make before a diagnosis
Dis-ease is a process, not a thing. Every day you have the opportunity to improve your environment and overall health.
access free resources to help you finally heal stress and
embody your greatest potential and highest Self