stimulate your vagus nerve with this ear massage somatic practice

read time: 2 minutes | guided practice below: 10 minutes

disclaimer: This is not medical advice. This is intended to educate, inspire and support you in your self healing journey. Speak to your medical professional. Some content might be sensitive; I invite you to practice self-harmonizing.

Wouldn’t it be nice to get unstuck?

To stop feeling like your a victim, caught in the same experiences and emotions, day after day.

To break free and create a new exciting, elevated, embodied experience of life!

The vagus nerve can help you do this!

The vagus nerve is the primary influencer of the parasympathetic nervous system, meaning it helps balance out sympathetic stress (fight/flight), so you can more easily access states of rest, relaxation, calm, connection, and growth.

One way I love to stimulate the vagus nerve is with an ear massage.

The vagus nerve runs through the brainstem (around the ears) to innervate your throat, heart, lungs, stomach and so much more!

Try this 10-minute guided somatic practice and share your experience!

infinite love,

join us on instagram @the.stress.healer!

keep going

chant with me & stimulate your vagus nerve

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