

what is somatics?

Soma means body. Somatic therapy is body-based methods to reduce stress, heal physical and mental health issues.

— To understand why somatic therapy is so effective, let’s have a chat on the nervous system.

When you think about the function of the nervous system, think safety and survival.

The nervous system is designed to keep you adaptable and alive, moving fluidly between states of stress and restoration, for survival of self and species.

Your nervous system is the command center for all systems in the bodymind, responsible for movement, digestion, thought, behavior, belief, emotion, automatic reaction, and more.

It orchestrates this beautiful symphony of peptides, neurotransmitters, hormones, etc. to keep you in homeostasis (balance & harmony) so you adapt to life’s stressors (good or bad) not just to survive, but to evolve and thrive.

why is somatics is so effective?

We could get into a lot here but what’s really important to know is:

  1. We are either stressed or restoring ourselves back to balance, health & harmony (aka homeostasis).

  2. Stress is not a conscious decision, but an automatic, instinctual response. So getting out of stress also happens in a primal, instinctual way from the body not conscious mind (prefrontal cortex).

  3. The primary influencer of the parasympathetic nervous system (aka rest, digest, heal nervous system) is the vagus nerve, and 80% of the vagus nerve is body TO brain, let’s work with biology not against!

start here:

three foundational somatic therapies

basic exercise


humming & chanting