stress is at the root of your illness, here’s why that’s a good thing!
You’ve been diagnosed with an illness, THIS is the one thing you need to know.
chaos to clarity: make better decisions in 11 easy-to-follow steps
11 steps to improve your decision making process; overcome overwhelm, make decisions, take action, and trust yourself more.
12 tips to make your bedtime routine nervous system friendly
Bad sleep is a bad stressor to the nervous system. 12 tips to support your sleep and stress healing.
unlocking inner balance: navigating nervous system regulation
Why you feel like sh*t all the time. And what to do about it.
8 tips for handling stresses of everyday life with more ease
Keep these 8 tips in mind as life throws you stressors.
what is functional freeze & how to overcome it
Freeze response in the nervous system is often likened to a “deer caught in the headlights” but can show up as forgetfulness, numbing and more.
how anxiety & depression go together (according to Polyvagal Theory)
The nervous system connection between anxiety and depression might surprise you — and give you insight on how to heal.
access free resources to help you finally heal stress and
embody your greatest potential and highest Self