somatic therapy for healing stress and trauma

hey, I’m Stephanie!

A somatic coach dedicated to healing stress and harmonizing aka regulating your nervous system!

When you aren’t stuck in a stress reaction or survival pattern, you free up energy to be your highest Self and greatest potential!

  • Integrative Somatic Trauma Therapy with The Embody Lab

  • Applied Polyvagal Theory in Therapeutic Yoga Levels 1 & 2 with the Embody Lab

  • Mindful Trauma Informed Yoga with Yoga Medicine

  • Nervous System & Restorative Yoga Teacher Training with Yoga Medicine

  • Mental Health & Wellness Yoga Teacher Training with Yoga Medicine

  • 220-hour Kundalini Yoga, Breathwork & Meditation Teacher Training with RYK

  • 200-hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Training with CorePower Yoga

  • Yoga Sculpt with CorePower Yoga

  • Pilates HIIT with TruFusion

  • Reiki Master (in both Holy Fire & Usui)

  • BA from San Diego State University in International Business & Anthropology

certificates & trainings

    my journey    

At 12 years old, I experienced excruciating arthritis in my hips. It was so bad I couldn’t walk upstairs. The Dr. told me I would have hip replacement surgery or be in a wheelchair by 30 years old!

In my teens I experienced acne and the Dr. put me on birth control. I suffered from low self-esteem, anxiety and depression until late 20’s.

In my 20’s I had horrible gut issues, constipation and bloating. I was burdened with brain fog, poor memory and difficulty concentrating, diagnosed with ADHD. I was a yogi living on the beach in San Diego and working for small businesses which I loved, but still I felt stuck & unfulfilled.

I made a leap, left my job and started a conscious travel consultancy while traveling to 20 countries over 3 years. My awareness expanded beyond measure.

At 29 I fully committed to self-healing, changed careers, and immersed myself into stress healing and somatic therapy.

At 32 my dad suddenly died… just 4 weeks after receiving a stage 4 abdominal cancer diagnosis. A tragic opportunity to go deeper into healing modalities for myself & others.

Through 2 decades I have studied, practiced and integrated various healing modalities for myself and those around me.

Now I am honored to share them with you.

want free resources to heal stress and embody your greatest potential?

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