1:1 somatic coaching

You wake up before your alarm clock, feeling refreshed and excited to get out of bed!

As you hydrate and make your morning cup of cacao, you move gracefully through your kitchen. You’re not in a rush to tackle your to-do list, nothing is spilled, you remember to take all your supplements, and you notice your heart isn’t racing.

After your morning practices, you’re ready to begin your work day, arriving to your desk 5 minutes before your expected start time. As you review your tasks and priorities, don’t feel overwhelmed, you feel capable and empowered to handle what’s in front of you!

You feel a confident smile across your face because you realize, you’ve done it, you’ve healed stress.

infinite growth

4-month somatic coaching container
for health, growth & transformation


what to expect

  • profound shifts in your holistic health (including physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, relational, professional and financial)

  • therapeutic plan that we co-create — for agency & empowerment

  • somatic practice(s) during each session to build your somatic resource toolkit

  • follow ups between sessions

  • accountability in your daily somatic practices

  • support feeling and processing your emotions and experiences

  • to be witnessed, held and accepted in your humanness

  • learn to be your own best stress healer

  • safely move at your own pace

— what students are saying —

My dear Stephanie. I can’t begin to express how grateful I am for working with you 🫶 I know we have only worked together for a short time, but I can see and feel so much change already. For the last couple of years, I have felt an emptiness and sadness, and no therapist has ever helped me as much as you have to get in touch with my sadness, emptiness, and inner child. You make me feel seen and understood ❤️ I’m finally beginning to think that it’s okay to be me. I’m so excited to keep working with you to heal my nervous system, and to keep getting to know myself and accepting myself in this amazing process 🙏 — Maria, Norway

Stephanie’s warm presence and guidance guides me to feel safe enough to finally release feelings trapped inside my body. This is something I have difficulty doing on my own. — Anonymous

Somatic sessions with Stephanie are SO beautiful, emotional and healing. Her voice, her wisdom, how much she cares, it's profound! — Amanda, USA

Working with Stephanie was more than I could have imagined. She was the gentle witness and guide that I was needing as I learned to navigate what my body needed to express. She guided me to feel safe in my own sensations, curiosity, and playfulness that emerged as we explored my inner world together. I'm so much more connected to myself and have a solid foundation from which to support myself as life continues to unfold.Marisela, USA

My somatic sessions with Stephanie have been incredibly helpful and healing. Without having any prior knowledge about somatic work before starting, she has been great at explaining all of the practices and exercises with patience and ease. Stephanie has an amazing ability to help me fully connect to my body and hear its needs. Her warm nature and welcoming personality help to make me feel so comfortable in our sessions. This is the best therapy work I’ve ever done!

Jessica, USA

My body NEEDS these practices! After my sessions, my entire being feels grounded, vitalized and clear all day! — Rachel, USA

Stephanie creates such a safe space for me to finally connect to my body and intuition. I'm so grateful for our time together, and how much I've grown! — Ebba, Sweden

healing stress helps everything

start rewiring your nervous system, patterns & behaviors now