unlocking inner balance: navigating nervous system regulation

audio: 13 minutes | read time: 5 minutes

disclaimer: This is not medical advice. This is intended to educate, inspire and support you in your self healing journey. Speak to your medical professional. Some content might be sensitive; I invite you to practice self-harmonizing.

Can you feel it? This chronic ache

No, not the ache in your back or belly (although aren’t those annoying too? 🙄)...

The ache I’m talking about is the one deep within your heart.

The ache to feel confident, empowered and living a life of meaning and joy…

The hurt when you’re not understood or seen or valued by your coworkers or boss…

The longing for your needs to be met by your partner…

The pain when you proverbially clock into the dead-end meaningless job…

The frustration when the driver at the traffic light in front of you who’s driving so slow that you get stuck at the light! And to make matters worse… you’re already late. How dare they?!

Then you feel it…

That unconscious reaction to jump off the deep end and spiral into stress, anxiety, frustration, self-doubt and hopelessness. 

That feeling you can’t seem to control or even predict because the most insignificant things seem to set you off!

That’s all on top of the physical aches and pains, poor sleep and fatigue, gut issues, compromised immune system…

You probably know these feelings well. 

All these feelings you’re experiencing are because your nervous system is overwhelmed by stress — it’s in a chronic dysregulated state.

Basically, your nervous system is in survival mode. 

The wires are crossed and are too busy trying to compute what’s already happened to you, so then when you have the slightest inconvenience it responds with FUCK THIS SH*T!

Here’s what you need to know…

It doesn’t have to be that way. 

Because your nervous system is the master coordinator of every system in the bodymind, when your nervous system is overwhelmed every system is “out of order”… your immune system, digestive system, hormones (endocrine system), perception of physical pain, and much more.

Hans Selye (the founder of stress theory) discovered in the early to mid 1900’s that stress impacts us in a multitude of ways.

Now, we’re flipping the script when it comes to healing stress, your nervous system, and supporting holistic health (think: digestive, immune, pain, hormones, emotions, cognition, etc.).

We’re getting to the root cause instead of trying to deal with a dozen individual symptoms, which is way more efficient!

the essence of nervous system regulation

The goal or essence to heal stress in the nervous system is often called nervous system regulation.

You’ve probably heard this term, but let’s take a step back and feel into the word “regulation”.

“Regulation” summons the energy of rules. Control.

Subjecting something to oversight, often from an external source.

Monitoring compliance so it operates within certain limits

Take a brief pause and check in with your body, how does the word “regulation” feel in your body?

nature seeks harmony

The intention of this nervous system “work” is:

  • find balance (often called homeostasis in the science world), balance or equilibrium in external and internal environments — your emotions and relationships feel good

  • physical vitality — optimal energy levels, better sleep, and overall physical health here your body function optimally and recovers effectively from stressors

  • enhanced cognitive functions — focus, concentration, decision making, think clearly and creatively

  • adaptable, flexible, and able to meet the demands of the present moment — meaning you feel confident, capable and resilient, not overwhelmed!

  • survive and thrive, passing on more than just genes (epigenetic factors too!) to offspring in the species

This balance within the multitude of systems all working together, in unison, in cooperation, to coexist in harmony with oneself and the environment. 

One of my teachers, Dr. Arielle Schwartz, told me her mentor would say, “I don’t want anyone regulating my body!” and I wholeheartedly agree!

I prefer using the term: nervous system harmonization.

It feels lighter in my body than nervous system regulation.

How does your body feel upon hearing nervous system harmony?

start harmonizing your nervous system

Here are a few ways you can cultivate nervous system harmonization: 

  1. Innerstand my 4-step nervous system harmonization method

  2. Focus on safety — Somatic practices like Wim Hof, ice baths, box breath, kundalini are NOT where you should start! Instead try the Basic Exercise, legs up the wall or joint mobilization.

  3. Seek community support — this is essential to healing stress and the nervous system, in fact Polyvagal Theory demonstrates that healing happens in Social Engagement

Book a free exploratory call to see if 1:1 somatic coaching is a good fit

Let me know if you end up trying these and in the meantime connect with me on Instagram @the.stress.healer

infinite love,

keep going

my 4-step stress healing method

8 tips for handling everyday stressors with more ease


things my dad taught me: reflections 1 year after his death


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