the thing you’re not doing to heal stress - and should be!

read time: 3 minutes

disclaimer: This is not medical advice. This is intended to educate, inspire and support you in your self healing journey. Speak to your functional medicine doctor, holistic psychologist, or medical professional. Some content might be sensitive; I invite you to practice self-harmonizing.

Crying at the bottom of the stairs from the physical pain of the arthritis in my hips and the emotional pain of shame and disappointment that my 12-year-old body was giving up on me.

I vowed there was another way than what the doctors offered (pain meds and wait for inevitable surgery).

Turns out there was another way (no surgery or prescription dependency for me!)

Another way to really heal, not just manage symptoms with prescriptions until I’d have to have surgery.

No it’s not working with crystals (although I love a good crystal).

In the decades that have followed, healing arthritis, acne, anxiety, ADHD, digestive issues, depression, jealousy, self esteem issues and more…

One thing has been incredibly clear in the healing journey that most often gets overlooked and misunderstood;

— Healing isn’t about fixing or feeling better.
— It’s not about always feeling good.
— Healing is about getting good at feeling.
— Healing is about accepting all parts of ourselves, “good” and “bad”.
Healing is about making space for all of it.

You are suffering.

Suffering from anxiety, digestive issues, feeling lost and unfulfilled.

I get it.

In this suffering, you often feel desperate for another way.

Like I did all those years ago crying at the bottom of the stairs, unable to walk up to my bedroom.

In order to truly heal; to feel so in love with your body, mind, mood, and life, to feel so free, hopeful and excited for every single day…

You start by recognizing and accepting what you are feeling right now.

This is the FIRST step in my 4-step process to heal stress & live better.

You recognize the pain, suffering, heartache, embarrasment, grief, disappointment, shame, chaos, everything that you currently feeling.

You have to see it and feel it before any healing and transformation can take place.

But you’re not doing it; you’re not looking at, feeling, accepting the all the crap.

You want to jump straight from “ugh I feel like sh*t” to… “let’s fix it!” THAT’S TOTALLY NORMAL!

It feels really uncomfortable even scary for most people to feel the “bad”, so you jump ahead to the somatic healing practices to feel better, different than you feel right now.

But if you ignore the truth of where you are at, it will always be this scary, dark, unhealed thing within you.

What you resist, persists.

DIVE DEEPER: Get 1:1 support. Schedule a free 30-minute call to explore the possibility of working together.

What parts of yourself are you resisting and need to look at?

infinite love,

keep going

4-steps to heal stress once and forall!

2-minute somatic practice to heal stress

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