legs up the wall restorative yoga guided practice (video)

read time: 2 minutes

disclaimer: This is not medical advice. This is intended to educate, inspire and support you in your self healing journey. Speak to your medical professional. Some content might be sensitive; I invite you to practice self-harmonizing.

The moment you open your eyes, the craziness of the day begins.

All of the demands placed on you, “do this”, “answer that”, “fix this”, “clean that”, “show up here” etc.

Healing stress and regaining health (physical, mental, etc) is about balance.

It’s about being able to adapt to what’s in front of you.

Problem is… you’re always ON.

You’re always going and in sympathetic, and when you’re not, you’re sleeping or zonked, staring at a wall, unable to articulate your ideas.

That’s not balance! That’s a disaster or dis-ease waiting to happen!

Rest and relaxation is a skill you need to relearn.

So try this 10-minute restorative yoga practice.

Legs up the wall is great to calm the nervous system, but also to improve circulation (blood), lymphatic drainage, as well as relieve pain in the back and swelling in the legs.

Use this practice:

  1. before bed

  2. after work

  3. as needed

Try it on yourself and share how you feel after in the comments!


infinite love,

keep going

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