heal nervous system dysregulation in 2-minutes with the Basic Exercise (video)

read time: 3 minutes

Disclaimer: This is not medical advice. This is intended to educate, inspire and support you in your self healing journey. Speak to your medical professional. Some content might be sensitive; I invite you to practice self-harmonizing.

Healing stress in the nervous system is complex, but it doesn’t have to be complicated all the time!

I love the Basic Exercise because it’s SIMPLE, QUICK and EFFECTIVE at supporting nervous system health!

Basic Exercise comes from Stanley Rosenberg’s book Accessing the Healing Power of the Vagus Nerve, I highly recommend picking up a copy of this book for yourself and a friend!

You’re probably familiar with the vagus nerve by now, if not, read this: 2 nervous system terms to learn this year!

benefits of the Basic Exercise 

Basic Exercise helps to restore proper alignment of the vertebrae, especially the cervical 1 (C1) and cervical 2 (C2) vertebrae of the neck, increasing range of motion in the neck and spine. 

It also increases blood flow to the brainstem for optimal functioning of the cranial nerves, especially the ventral vagal branch of the vagus nerve.

When the ventral vagal branch of the vagus nerve is functioning well, we are less anxious, overwhelmed, hopeless, helpless, frustrated, chaotic… and more clear, creative, focused and joyful!

Once you learn the practice, it only takes about 2 minutes!!!

Life constantly presents us with stressors, you can use this 2-minute practice to remind your nervous system to come back into balance or harmony.

watch this 9-minute video for:

  • a guided experience of the Basic Exercise (about 2-minutes!)

  • a test before and after to see YOUR improvements in spinal alignment and neck rotation in real time!

  • props to explore

  • tips to integrate it into your life… so you actually receive the benefits!

Not one thing has made you sick, and not one thing will heal you. Use this somatic practice as a part of your overall nervous system healing plan.

Questions or feedback? comment below!

infinite love,

DIVE DEEPER: connect Within to heal stress and enjoy life!

keep going

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