ONE somatic practice to help you move forward when you feel stuck

read time: 5 minutes | audio time: 10 minutes

disclaimer: This is not medical advice. This is intended to educate, inspire and support you in your self healing journey. Speak to your medical professional. Some content might be sensitive; I invite you to practice self-harmonizing.

There are moments when so many things are swirling around in my head, I can't think straight. 

Should I email this person back, finish that project, make the grocery list, walk my dog Fett, start the laundry so I can air dry the clothes when the sun is still up… 

And the to-do list just isn’t cutting it, do you also find you spend more time writing down things to do, organizing all the tasks, worrying about when/how they’ll get done… and the list never gets shorter!

I know you’ve been there, stuck on the hamster wheel of life.

Caught in a cycle of endless things to do, feeling overwhelm, and procrastinating because what the world should you focus on?!

You are in a freeze response of the nervous system, my friend.

So what’s one somatic practice you can do to help your nervous system when you’re in freeze?

One thing you can do to help you move forward, make progress and feel good about how you are showing up…

Gentle movement.

Ok, yes this could be viewed as vague; that’s because there is no one solution for every-body.

Somatics is about exploring the body-mind-energy connection to discover what’s right for you in this here now present moment. 

Before you dive into a gentle movement somatic practice; recognize where you're at, what you're experiencing and feeling, where and how you feel stuck, and… honor your body for this protection mechanism.

Yes, honor your nervous system for trying to protect you.

More about freeze nervous system response.

Take a moment to recognize you’re feeling stuck right now, you might repeat the following out loud or in your head; 

“I’m noticing I feel stuck. There’s so much I want to do, so much I know I am capable of doing, and right now I feel overwhelmed and unsure of what to do next. Thank you body for trying to protect me. I would love to work together to find a new path forward.”  

In this, you are also recognizing there is another way, another possible choice or path for experiencing yourself and your life. 

gentle movement for freeze

Something as simple as the Basic Exercise might do the trick.

Or this longer (still only 11-minute) joint mobilization somatic practice might be just what you need.

More broadly, I find myofascial release to be incredibly helpful. Myofascial release includes a diverse range of methods like self massage, using a trigger point roller, tapping/EFT or yoga. 

Areas I recommend for self myofascial release are around the eyes, ears, neck, hands, feet, postural muscles and breathing muscles. 

For yoga, I would recommend gentle vinyasa also sometimes called “slow flow”.

The key with gentle movement is that it’s slow and gentle. You’re not stuck or stagnant in any one single position. No straining or forcing. There is flow, fluidity there and it feels effortless and easeful.

I would recommend trying a couple different options, and finding one that feels helpful to you. 

What somatic practices have helped you heal stress and come out of a freeze response? Share below or join the community on Instagram @the.stress.healer

infinite love,

keep going

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11-min Joint Mobilization somatic practice (video)

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