two things you’re doing HALF the day that’s making you stressed & overwhelmed!
Disclaimer: This is not medical advice. This is intended to educate, inspire and support you healing stress and embodying your highest self. Some content might be sensitive; I invite you to practice self-harmonizing.
Research shows the body has profound effects on the mind and mood.
Right now, what posture do you have? How are you taking shape and expressing yourself? What messages is your body sending to your mind?
By becoming aware of your body, of your physical posture, you can positively impact the way your brain and nervous system is perceiving your experience.
Thus, taking yourself out of stress and overwhelm and into calm, clarity, creativity and confidence!
staring at a screen 12+ hours per day
Imagine you’re living thousands of years ago.
You’re in the plains with your tribe likely foraging and swapping stories…and you spot something in the distance.
Your heart starts racing, your breath gets shallow, you look towards this potential threat, narrow your focus to make for damn sure it’s not a predator.
a predator perks and focuses their attention with their eyes and neck
As a survival tactic, stress and narrowed vision evolved together.
What does that mean for you?
Focusing on one point on a screen is actually signaling to your nervous system to be more stressed!
I’m not here to demonize your computer or phone more than it already is! Society is doing enough of that.
As a serial entrepreneur, I am grateful for the flexibility of when and where I work because of technology (laptops, smart phones, Wi-Fi, etc); I ran a conscious travel consultancy in 20 countries from 2017 to 2019! I am grateful for the freedom technology has given me!
No, I am not here to demonize devices… au contraire…
I am here to offer a solution for you to feel less overwhelmed, confused, and frustrated in your work and personal life, so you can finally take back control of your time, energy and creativity!
two solutions:
take more screen breaks
incorporate somatic therapy practices to release tension around the eyes
— more on somatic therapy
sitting 12+ hours per day
Louder for the people in the back: sitting is the new smoking!
Sitting IS the posture of stress, especially with bad posture (shoulders hunched forward, collapsed)
A natural stress reaction for mammals including humans is to go into fetal position (hip flexion, spinal flexion, protect the head, face, eyes, vital organs in the abdomen).
So when stressed the nervous system signals to the body to make this shape, and when the body makes this shape, we signal to the nervous system there is a threat and to be more stressed.
two solutions:
improve your posture
stand, walk, move more, especially in all the planes of movement (forward/back, side to side, and rotation)
We will never get out of the cycle of stress, overwhelm, frustration, and discontent … if we keep doing the same stuff!
Let’s do something different, shall we?
infinite health & growth,