3 reasons why your gut isn’t healed (yet!)

Read time: 3 minutes

Disclaimer: This is not medical advice. This is intended to educate, inspire and support you healing stress and embodying your highest self. Some content might be sensitive; I invite you to practice self-harmonizing.

Everyone and their mom is talking about gut health - and for good reason!

The gut is often called your “second brain” but in truth it developed at the same time as your brain!

And the gut actually is home to 90% of serotonin - the happy hormone!

Every moment of every day, your gut is sending signals to your brain and nervous system about your digestion but also about your mood and so much more.

On your gut healing journey, you’re already taking a probiotic, drinking a daily cup of bone broth, consuming collagen, reducing processed sugar, taking a shot of apple cider vinegar, and getting enough water boosted with electrolytes and minerals…

But still… you experience bloating, constipation or diarrhea, you suffer brain fog, fatigue, and often overwhelming, crippling anxiety about what to do next…

It’s time to take your gut healing journey to the next level by understanding 3 reasons why your gut might not be healing.

note: implementing these reasons takes practice, commitment, dedication… like traversing a seemingly complicated maze — it takes patience and perseverance.

If that feels a little overwhelming, start here instead: 3 super convenient and EASY ways to support gut health and build on them when you’re ready!

1 — stress

Did you know your gut is actually part of your autonomic nervous system (ANS)? The ANS is responsible for stress.

The gut is a branch of the ANS called the enteric nervous system.

When you are stressed (consciously or unconsciously), your body is not ready for food.

This is because, blood and energy are diverted away from digestion towards muscles in your legs and arms as a survival strategy.

You don’t need to digest your sushi when you might be killed by a lion.

Dr. Mary Pardee in her course on the gut says; “A lot of GI (gastrointestinal) conditions are likely caused by disruption of the nervous system like low parasympathetic tone causing us to be in a constant state of fight or flight.”

The more stress you have stored in your nervous system, the more your body will resist digestion, instead it’s just trying to survive. Healing stress will also heal the gut.

Stress could be worrying about finances, an upcoming presentation, or a sick family member. Stress could be judgments you have around the food you’re eating, the sugar or pesticides in the food. It also could be shame you feel from something you did 10 years ago… There’s a lot here.

DIVE DEEPER: 4-step process to healing stress

2 — how you eat

What you eat is obviously important… but HOW you eat is equally important!

Digestion begins at the sight and smell of food (cephalic phase).

Before you eat, notice your food. Notice the colors and textures. Smell your food. Allow the cephalic phase of digestion to begin so your body can start producing necessary enzymes and bile to properly digest food.

Eat slowly and chew your food until it resembles baby food. This is the only mechanical part of the process (rest is chemical and we have a lot less control over chemical part).

And definitely step away from the screen when eating! No computer, phone, TV, etc.!

Try taking 3 deep breaths before you take your first bite and eat outside for extra healing benefits!

3 — your pancreas, liver and gallbladder need healing

Digestion doesn’t just happen in the gut, mouth, and stomach.

Your pancreas, liver and gallbladder are responsible for digestive enzymes and bile required to break down food.

Supporting these organs could make a huge difference in your digestion!

Remember we are a combination of complex, interconnected systems all working together. For real health, we must look at our whole selves; body, mind, spirit.

Questions? Comment below!

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